Gathering Knitting Stitches!

table with images

evolving ideas are in the works!

The Tuesday gatherings at the Senior Center drew to a close this week with the first half of the knitting sessions. Folks from River Rock Assisted Living came, as well as some new faces.

knitters at table

refreshing our knitting skills!

The concept for John Simm’s bison, Major Bison involves many people, as the idea will need close to 20 knitted strips, 5 inches wide and 7–10 feet long! Another concept for a horse at the hospital involves several knitted forms in bright colors. The “First Interstate Duo” is well on it’s way to being installed in December.

rough sketch

planning continues!

portion of bus

on-site visit!

One Tuesday, I met the Living Center bus on it’s way to a shopping trip to talk about the elk in the Sports Authority parking lot. The folks at the Living Center will be meeting on Tuesday afternoons for several weeks to cook up something surprising for this sculpture.

school entrance

six 4th grade students gear up to learn to knit!

On Thursdays, a small group of 4th graders will be collaborating on embellishing the elk in the Sports Authority parking lot with the folks at the Living Center. I gave a presentation to the students and they were bursting with ideas as they saw the images of what has been done around the world.
invitation text over yarn balls
Starting this Sunday, we switch to meeting at the Center for the Arts from 2-4pm through November 18th. We will meet in the conference room on the Glenwood side of the Center for the Arts complex. I will give an introductory presentation at 2pm to show examples of what this public art phenomenon looks like around the world. There will be opportunities to join in, learn to knit, help install, teach knitting, and help at the elementary school or Living Center. Come learn a bit about what community-based public art is all about.